
This page provides information to help you set up ghost for your Kubernetes cluster on Greenhost VPSs. Currently this process requires manual activation. Please contact Greenhost support to activate this feature.


  • a Kubernetes platform running on the Greenhost VPS platform, or on;

  • a functioning Helm install for that cluster.

Set permissions

The ghost storage provisioner will need to use Greenhost’s API to create (and delete) virtual disks, based on requests by the Kubernetes cluster. Because this has obvious implications for security, and also incurs costs for the virtual disks to the account owner, this needs special permissions to be set for the machines that make up the cluster.

Please contact our support team to request these changes, including a list of VPSs that make up the cluster, and optionally a label we use internally to identify the cluster for future reference.

Install ghost

  1. Clone the ghost repository to the machine that you run Helm from, typically your workstation or laptop:

    git clone
    cd kubernetes-ghost
  2. (optional) Review the values.yaml in the top-level directory, and change as you see fit. The defaults should give you a working setup.

  3. Install the ghost components to your cluster:

    helm install --name=my-personal-ghost .

Check installation

You can check that the provisioner and driver are running:

kubectl get pod -n kube-system

Should list among other things a single greenhost-provisioner pod, and one ghost-driver pod on per worker node.

If you now create a Persistent Volume Claim, the provisioner should pick this up and create a corresponding Persistent Volume. You can also check that virtual disks appear in the listing.